White Course - 8 controls - 1.9 km
1. Trail, north end
2. Par Course Station, West side
3. Vegetation Boundary, North end
4. Gas Well
5. Root Stock
6. Trail Junction
7. Trail bend
8. Dry Ditch, top
180 meters to finish
Yellow Course - 9 controls - 3.5 km
1. Dry Ditch, top
2. Clearing, north edge
3. Powerline Pole
4. Clearing, North-West corner
5. Fence, East end
6. Seasonal Stream, middle
7. Rock Pile
8. Clearing, North-East edge
9. Trail, South end
120 meters to finish
Score Course - 17 controls - finish in 90 minutes or less or incurr a 10 point penalty for each late minute
1. Fence, East end
2. Root Stock
3. Root Stock
4. Special
5. Stream Intersection
6. Vegetation Boundary, South edge
7. Stream, middle
8. Root Stock, northern-most
9. Root Stock
10. Fence, south-east outer corner
11. Knoll, western-most
12. special
13. Stream Intersection
14. Vegetation Boundary, northern edge
15. Trail Bend
16. Root Stock
17. Root Stock, northern-most
Route choice to find them all is about 8.2 km long
The park has two active geocaches. In the Rough is located relatively close to the lodge
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