Sunday, July 15, 2007


Canoe Orienteering near Akron, Ohio

Organized by the North East Ohio Orienteering Club, this annual even involves finding controls (flags) in a lake using non-motorized watercraft, such as kayak, rowboat, or canoe. There were 24 controls in the lake, and participants had two hours maximum to find as many as possible. Anyone returning after two hours would be penalized and points subtracted. Each control had points assigned to it, from 5 to 50, depending on distance and difficulty.

The event took place at Mogadore Reservoir, about 15 miles east of Akron, Ohio. For those without their personal watercraft, canoes were available for rent for $10.

Participants were given a waterproof map, and shown a master map from whom the control locations could be read and copied using a red ink pen. Participants were also given a clue sheet describing each of the 24 controls. No separate control card was given because the control card boxes to punch holes on was part of the waterproof map.

In the parking lot there were about thirty vehicles, and probably there were about fifty people. At 12:30 PM, there was a mass start.

Paddling with Mark Malagodi, our overall strategy was to go pretty much counter-clockwise. Following the faster paddlers in front of us, we quickly paddled to the northern side of an island to find 22. We then proceeded to 19, located on the southern coastal cove of a bigger island. Once there, I got off the canoe and crossed the isthmus to punch hole from control 18, located on the northern coast of the island, then returned on foot to the canoe on the southern side, and proceeded on canoe towards control 1. [Note: going to 19 first and then to 18 on foot was a mistake. It would have been faster to instead canoe to 18 and go to 18 on foot. That way would have had the canoe positioned ready to proceed to control 1 without futher delay]. Still piggy-backing behind other faster paddlers, we followed them into 1, and then into 2. At 2, gave the map to Mark so that he could get his opportunity to punch-hole the control card box on the map. Since at start time the verbal instructions had the very clear "you punch hole the map", that is exactly what Mark did, but not on the control box on the bottom, but on the map spot where control 2 is located (can you see the five little holes that make a "T" shape?).

Then, still catching up with the faster kayakers and two canoers, we entered the marshy cane and grass island, and found a 50-point control in it (control 16). And once out on open water again, we could see a kayaker handling the other 50-pointer, a submerged control tied to a tree limb. We quickly paddled to it before we lost its visual. From there, we proceeded to control 3, which I erroneously punched holed box 7, and then corrected and punched holed box 3 (probably would have been disqualified in a rigorously-official orienteering event), and then proceeded to 4, 5, 6. At this point, we had only one hour left, and while Mark had alot of confidence in finding more controls on the northern end of the reservoir, I had some doubts, partly because I am not an experienced paddler, and was debating whether we should abbandon the North side, and get to the other 50-point control on the South side. Mark convinces me to stick around, and we grab control 7 (since box 7 was already punch carded, I punched the holes just below it, along the rim of the map), but then decide not to continue to 8, and start the return back, grabbing 10 and 21 on the way back (we skipped 20 because it was only a 5-pointer, and we could not find 11, also a 5-pointer). With just 30 minutes left, we quickly paddle to 12, then, back on open water, we see a couple of sea gulls resting on something on the water, and sure enough, it is a submerged tree and the 50-pointer control 24. Now, with 20 minutes left, we could have dashed to control 13, but fatigue and concerns, and opt for the safer control 23 on the island, located on the highest point of the island. With five minutes to spare, as we paddled back to the start/end point, we could see other canoers and kayakers converging from all directions. It was a fun scene.

The itinerary we followed was about nine km long.

On shore, we chatted with other participants, while points were being computed. We explained how for control 2 we punched the control location on the map, taking verbatim the instructions, and they seemed agreeable to that.

I was wearing a Rachel Carson Trail shirt, and one couple took notice of it, saying it is close to where they live. At which point we mutually discover that we are all from pittsburgh, and WPOC (Western Pennsylvania Orienteering Club) members as well, and, small world, even participated in a rogaine near Cumberland, Maryland, to which I participated in early June.

Two hours later, we got back to Pittsburgh, and with time for me to see the second half of the final of Copa America, a soccer match between Argentina and Brazil. Brazil won 3-0. Saw it at a scottish pub on the South Side, the only place in Pittsburgh that always shows international soccer games.

Btw, had with me a disposable camera, and took pictures on the controls and of the canoers and kayakers. Return here at around 7-30-2007 to see them.


Unknown said...

mi chi e' sto fustacchione con la maglietta gialla eh!?

Anonymous said...





整型,水噹噹,貸款,貸款,信用貸款,宜蘭民宿,花蓮民宿,未婚聯誼,網路購物,珠海,下川島,常平,珠海,澳門機票,香港機票,婚友,婚友社,未婚聯誼,交友,婚友,婚友社,單身聯誼,未婚聯誼,未婚聯誼, 婚友社,婚友,婚友社,單身聯誼,婚友,未婚聯誼,婚友社,未婚聯誼,單身聯誼,單身聯誼,婚友,單身聯誼,未婚聯誼,婚友,交友,交友,婚友社,婚友社,婚友社,大陸新娘,大陸新娘,大陸新娘,越南新娘,越南新娘,外籍新娘,外籍新娘,台中坐月子中心,搬家公司,搬家,搬家公司,線上客服,網頁設計,線上客服,網頁設計,網頁設計,土地貸款,wordpress,酒店經紀,酒店經紀,酒店經紀,酒店經紀,關鍵字,關鍵字,seo,seo,網路排名,自然排序,網路排名軟體,英語演講,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

酒店喝酒,禮服店,酒店小姐,酒店經紀,制服店,便服店,鋼琴酒吧,兼差,酒店兼差,酒店打工,伴唱小姐,暑假打工,金錢豹,日式酒店,舞廳,ktv酒店,卡奴,酒店公關,酒店小姐,理容院,日領,龍亨,學生兼差,酒店經紀,酒店小姐,酒店公關,酒店打工,酒店領檯,酒店小姐,假日打工,酒店經紀,伴唱小姐,八大行業,假日打工,酒店經紀,禮服店,酒店上班酒店上班,酒店兼差,酒店上班,酒店經紀,酒店打工,酒店兼差,童裝,童裝拍賣,童裝大盤,童裝寄賣,童裝批貨,童裝特賣,童裝拍賣會,童裝切貨,童裝工廠,童裝暢貨中心,酒店經紀,酒店經紀,酒店上班,酒店兼差,暑假打工,酒店經紀,酒店上班,酒店兼差,暑假打工,酒店經紀,酒店傳播,酒店兼差,酒店經紀人,伴唱小姐,伴唱小姐,酒店上班,酒店經紀,酒店經紀,酒店上班,酒店兼差,制服店,暑假打工,寒假打工,假日打工,酒店上班,酒店經紀,酒店打工,童裝批發,酒店,酒店兼職,寒假打工,假日打工,酒店傳播,酒店經紀 PRETTYGIRL,酒店經紀 彩色爆米花,爆米花

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花東旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車,花蓮旅遊,租車公司,花蓮旅行社,花蓮旅遊景點,花蓮旅遊行程,花蓮旅遊地圖,花蓮租車資訊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車旅遊網,花蓮租車,花蓮租車,花蓮租車,花東旅遊景點,租車,花蓮旅遊,花東旅遊行程,花東旅遊地圖,花蓮租車公司,花蓮租車,花蓮旅遊租車,花蓮租車,花蓮旅遊,花蓮賞鯨,花蓮旅遊,花蓮旅遊,租車,花蓮租車,花蓮租車 ,花蓮 租車,花蓮,花蓮旅遊網,花蓮租車網,花蓮租車公司,租車花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮旅行社,花東旅遊,花蓮包車,租車,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮一日遊,租車服務,花蓮租車公司,花蓮包車,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,租車花蓮,租車服務,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,租車花蓮,租車服務,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,租車花蓮,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,租車花蓮,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮包車,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊租車,花蓮租車,花蓮租車公司,花蓮一日遊,花蓮租車網,花蓮旅遊租車,花蓮租車網,花蓮租車,花蓮一日遊,租車花蓮,花蓮租車,花蓮旅遊租車,花蓮租車,花蓮租車旅遊,花蓮租車,花蓮旅遊,花蓮旅遊,花蓮包車,花蓮溯溪,花蓮泛舟,花蓮溯溪旅遊網,花蓮旅遊,花蓮民宿,花蓮入口網,花蓮民宿黃頁

花蓮,租車,花東 旅遊,花蓮 租車,花蓮,旅遊,租車公司,花蓮,花蓮旅遊,花東旅遊,花蓮地圖,包車,花蓮,旅遊租車,花蓮 租車,租車,花蓮租車資訊網,花蓮 旅遊,租車,花蓮 旅遊,花東,花東地圖,租車公司,租車網,花蓮租車旅遊,租車,花蓮,賞鯨,花蓮旅遊租車,花東旅遊,租車網,花蓮海洋公園,租車 ,花蓮 租車,花蓮,花蓮旅遊,

Anonymous said...



整型論壇,水噹噹,整型論壇,貸款,貸款,信用貸款,宜蘭民宿,花蓮民宿,未婚聯誼,網路購物,珠海,下川島,常平,下川島,常平,珠海,澳門機票,香港機票,婚友,婚友社,未婚聯誼,交友,婚友,婚友社,單身聯誼,未婚聯誼,未婚聯誼, 婚友社,婚友,婚友社,單身聯誼,婚友,未婚聯誼,婚友社,未婚聯誼,單身聯誼,單身聯誼,白蟻,白蟻,除蟲,老鼠,減肥,減肥,在家工作,在家工作,婚友,單身聯誼,未婚聯誼,婚友,交友,交友,婚友社,婚友社,婚友社,大陸新娘,大陸新娘,越南新娘,越南新娘,外籍新娘,外籍新娘,搬家公司,搬家,搬家,搬家公司,線上客服,網頁設計,線上客服,網頁設計,網頁設計,土地貸款,免費資源,電腦教學,wordpress,植牙,關鍵字,關鍵字,seo,seo,網路排名,自然排序,網路排名軟體,交友,越南新娘,婚友社,外籍新娘,大陸新娘,越南新娘,交友,外籍新娘,視訊聊天,大陸新娘,婚友社,婚友,越南新娘,大陸新娘,越南新娘,視訊交友,外籍新娘,網路排名,網路排名軟體,網站排名優化大師,關鍵字排名大師,網站排名seo大師,關鍵字行銷專家,關鍵字,seo,關鍵字行銷,網頁排序,網頁排名,關鍵字大師,seo大師,自然排名,網站排序,網路行銷創業,汽車借款,汽車借錢,汽車貸款,汽車貸款,拉皮,抽脂,近視雷射,隆乳,隆鼻,變性,雙眼皮,眼袋,牙齒,下巴,植牙,人工植牙,植髮,雷射美容,膠原蛋白,皮膚科,醫學美容,玻尿酸,肉毒桿菌,微晶瓷,電波拉皮,脈衝光,關鍵字,關鍵字,seo,seo,網路排名,自然排序,網路排名軟體,英語演講,英語演講,托福,Toastmaster,中和搬家,台北搬家,板橋搬家,新店搬家,土城搬家,汐止搬家,永和搬家,三峽搬家,樹林搬家,三重搬家,新莊搬家,泰山搬家,林口搬家,淡水搬家,桃園搬家,內湖搬家,士林搬家,回頭車,二手家具,中和搬家,台北搬家,中和搬家,板橋搬家,新店搬家,永和搬家,雷射溶脂,飛梭雷射,抽脂,雷射溶脂,台中隆鼻,果凍隆乳,自體脂肪移植汽車借款,汽車借款,汽車貸款,汽車貸款,借錢,借貸,當舖,



星光大道唱歌教學教室,蔡依琳唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌教學教室,王建民唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌教學教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,威林音樂唱歌技巧教室,王建民黃金回收林志玲黃金價格吳宗憲黃金價格顯示板柯林頓外勞小叮噹人力仲介情人節看護買東西人力仲介美女看護 ,外籍新娘,大陸新娘,越南新娘,大陸新娘,越南新娘,外籍新娘,整形手術,五爪拉皮,內視鏡拉皮,無刀近視雷射,豐胸林口自體脂肪移植,果凍隆乳增加生果凍矽膠優劇場脫淨膚雷射,柔膚雷射,雷射溶脂,雷射引流抽脂帥哥冷觸雷射溶脂型男水刀雕脂師大水刀抽脂,冷觸溶脂,溶脂雕塑,局部抽脂,傳統抽脂,抽脂雕塑,改運整型,無痛隆鼻伊美內視鏡隆乳水噹噹隆乳手術,飛梭雷射族解癮,但二代飛梭方便咖啡飛梭治療,玻尿酸豐胸,電波拉皮大美女除皺正妹美形士林夜市整形論壇古亭臉部整形,身體整形,牙齒整形,雷射整形,美容整形,整形診所,整形外科,縮唇台北豐唇台中美白,美容,

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Quincy said...

您好 與您一起分享有關於黃金回收的

對有這樣困擾的baby有很大的幫助喔^^ 可以給你參考看看ㄉ^^
天然竹炭護膚衣寶寶專用 (點進去看看喔)
寶寶異位性皮膚炎常識 (點進去看看喔)
育兒知識 (點進去看看喔)