Monday, August 25, 2008

Caving Orienteering Contest

OTR (Old Timers Reunion) is the biggest caving event in the world, and it happens in the last week of August, near Elkins, West Virginia.

Here is one of their activities:


The Orienteering Contest is
designed to test your ability to use a compass
to follow an orienteering course. The course
is made up of about 20 points around the OTR
site the entrant must visit. At some points
you may be given a distance and a bearing to
follow to the next point. At other points you
will be able to see the next point but must
record the distance and bearing to the next
point. Along the way you may also be required
to estimate the distance to an object and/or
estimate the height of an object.
to cover the course in the
least amount of time while recording

the most accurate values for distances,
bearings and heights.
You are encouraged to bring
your own compass. No mechanical distance
measuring devices or GPS systems are allowed.
Up to 4 people may compete as a team.
Instructional demonstrations will be given
prior to the contest. Check the Coot & Holler
for details.

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